Mentors: Who, When, and Where?

Two weeks ago we explored the importance of mentors for developing youth. In fact, mentoring programs are popping up around the country, as people start to recognize the impact these relationships can have. But what are …

Mentors: Why They Matter

  In my spare time, I am the proud mentor of a charismatic, funny, kind, and smart 14-year old girl. Whenever we get together, we talk about… nothing, but lots of it! We have seen …

Teen Suicide: What do parents need to know?

This week, Parenthetical is posting an article focused on the tough topic of teen suicide. This article provides parents with critical information on teen suicide, as well as important suggestions and resources to help support teens …

Becoming Rich: What Teens Get from Giving

Prof. Michael Collins once wrote a post for Parenthetical on how to promote financial responsibility among teens. As Collins mentioned in the post, one aspect of learning how to manage money actually involves giving it …

The Diverging Paths of Parents and Teens

We usually think of the teen years as a period of major changes in our children. Often overlooked is the fact that parents are also experiencing significant changes of their own. One of the things …

Fighting the fair fight: How to constructively disagree with your teen

Occasional fights and disagreements with your teen are pretty much the norm for most families. While such conflicts can be annoying and emotionally draining they can also be beneficial, especially if you understand the reasons …

What’s so unique about the teenage brain?

The adolescent brain is often described as “in-progress” or “not fully operational.” In fact, we’ve used the phrase “boom town brain” here on Parenthetical to describe the absent-mindedness natural to teenagers. Although the teenage brain is different …