Today’s post is the third in a multi-part series on Wise Parenting. Each post focuses on one of six principles for parenting wisely: 1) Stay cool, calm and reflective, 2) Frame the problem appropriately, 3) Aim …
Wise Parenting, Part 2: What’s the Problem?
Today’s post is the second in a multi-part series on Wise Parenting. Each post focuses on one of six principles for parenting wisely: 1) Stay cool, calm and reflective, 2) Frame the problem appropriately, 3) Aim …
What is wise parenting? Staying cool, calm & reflective
Today’s post marks the beginning of a multi-part series on Wise Parenting. Each post will focus on a different parenting strategy for difficult situations. Much parenting, like most day-to-day living, is pretty automatic and doesn’t …
Myths about Bullying
Bullying is certainly not new. Every generation has its trademark story or movie about the horrors of bullying. For a colleague and I, the 80’s movie My Bodyguard immediately sprung to mind when we …
Talking with Your Teen about Abusive Dating Relationships
Teen Dating Violence: what is it and how can you address it with your teen? In recent years, stories about professional sports figures’, movie stars’ and famous singers’ involvement in domestic violence have been in the …
When you don’t approve of your child’s friends
Peers are an important part of the teenage years. As parents, our teens’ transition to greater reliance on peers can be tricky to navigate. This week on Parenthetical we are talking about the ways in which …
Parent Policing: Helping your Teen Stay Safe Online
Whether it’s a computer, smartphone, tablet or even an iPod, teens today have almost unlimited access to smart devices and the Internet. A 2015 report found that 92% of 13-17 year olds reported using the …
Shedding Light on Teen Smoking
I was a freshman in high school when I tried my first cigarette. My friend and I had convinced an older kid to buy us a pack of Marlboro 100’s. We parked ourselves in a …
Teen Room Decor to Help Your Teenager Be More Organized
Ringing in 2017 might make it hard to relax when your home is in disarray. When you have teenagers, their bedrooms can be a nagging irritant. Sometimes it feels easier to just do the chores for …
After the election: Suggestions for discussing election results and modeling good citizenship
Last week the United States elected a new president. After a long, often times divisive and emotionally charged election season, last week’s decision has continued to fuel important discussions around politics, values, and the future …