What color is the dress? This question has been asked countless times in the last few weeks. From Internet feeds to office water coolers, people have been buzzing over the color composition of a simple …
Following up on ‘The Messy Room Dilemma’
Thank you to all the readers who have submitted photos and shared their stories for our “Messy Rooms contest”! We’ve extended the deadline until February 28. So, keep those pictures coming and receive a free copy …
Is your teen’s bedroom a disaster area?
We’re still talking about messy rooms! Send us a picture of your teen’s messy room to receive a FREE book about teens! Reference the post below (republished from last week on Parenthetical) to learn more about …
Parenthetical’s Top 10 Posts of 2014
As 2014 winds down, we are feeling especially grateful for all the thoughtful dialogue, growth, and dedicated viewership Parenthetical has experienced over the last year. During the last year, Parenthetical has increased site membership significantly …
How to Handle a Rude Teen
Dr. Laura Kastner is a clinical associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. She is the co-author of several books for parents of adolescents including one of our favorite parenting books …
Homework Tips for Your Teen
Tell me. Did you think you had the homework with a middle or high schooler figured out? You had a homework schedule, you provided family support, AND you helped create a productive workspace for …
Laura Kastner on Helping Teens Learn from Mistakes
Dr. Laura Kastner is a clinical associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington. She is the co-author of several books for parents of adolescents including one of our favorite parenting books …
What should you do when you find your teen’s music offensive?
Many teens use music as a way to relax, bond with friends, develop their own identities and even indulge in fantasies. While music may not directly influence your teen’s behavior, it may, nonetheless, be hard …
Parenthetical Interviews Dr. Laura Kastner co-author of Getting to Calm: Cool-headed Strategies for Parenting Tweens and Teens
We are featuring our first author interview!!! Parenthetical team members, Becky and Libby, had the pleasure of interviewing author Dr. Laura Kastner. Dr. Kastner co-wrote one of our favorite parenting books for parents of tweens …
Help! Our van has become a dining room!
I recently ran into a friend shepherding her teens into her van with a huge family sized cooler in tow. I asked if they were going camping. No, she responded, this was her new kitchen. …