Bullying is certainly not new. Every generation has its trademark story or movie about the horrors of bullying. For a colleague and I, the 80’s movie My Bodyguard immediately sprung to mind when we …
Emotional Changes
Talking with Your Teen about Abusive Dating Relationships
Teen Dating Violence: what is it and how can you address it with your teen? In recent years, stories about professional sports figures’, movie stars’ and famous singers’ involvement in domestic violence have been in the …
Supporting Speaking Up: Helping Your Teen Self-Advocate
Previously, we’ve encouraged parents to promote youth self-advocacy when it comes to seeking support for their learning and development. In fact, the idea of self-advocacy, or speaking up for yourself and making decisions about your …
Your Child is Dating. Congratulations?
Teenage dating is a rite of passage for parents and teens. Gone are the days of meeting the date in your living room. Now, young adults “hangout” or “hook-up” at all of the places you …
Parent Policing: Helping your Teen Stay Safe Online
Whether it’s a computer, smartphone, tablet or even an iPod, teens today have almost unlimited access to smart devices and the Internet. A 2015 report found that 92% of 13-17 year olds reported using the …
Achieving Summer Goals
Today we continue with a three-part series on summer choices for teens. Last week’s article provided parents with tips on how to discuss and prioritize summertime goals. Today’s post discusses ways in which parents can help teens …
Summer Choices for Teens
Dreaming of summer? Parenthetical is too! Today’s article, a three-part series on summer choices for teens, provides parents with tips on how to discuss and prioritize summertime goals. Be sure to check back over the next …
Recognizing Learning Disabilities in Teens
Admitting a learning challenge can be difficult for anyone, but for teens, who are already struggling with issues of identity and self-worth, asking for help can be even harder. As parents, there are steps we …
Is my kid ready for a Smartphone under the tree?
As our children kick into “wish list” overdrive this holiday season, it isn’t uncommon for them to ask for every new toy or gadget on the market. No matter what holiday you celebrate, many of …
After the election: Suggestions for discussing election results and modeling good citizenship
Last week the United States elected a new president. After a long, often times divisive and emotionally charged election season, last week’s decision has continued to fuel important discussions around politics, values, and the future …