“How would you describe your family in three words?” asked blogger Joanna Goddard. What core values rise to the top when you think about who you are, who your family is, and who you hope your …
Be the Positive Voice for your Teen
A parenting and human development buzz word for the last 30 years, self-esteem is a person’s evaluation of his or her own worth. A person with positive self-esteem has a positive attitude about his or her self. Do …
How Much Financial Responsibility is Enough?
To start 2018 we bring you an article about the benefits of discussing money management with you child. Read this week’s Parenthetical post for talking points and strategies on teen financial responsibility that many parents might …
Burning Out: Adults Who Work With Youth Feel Stress Too
In the past, Parenthetical has focused on why parental self-care is important and what it can look like in practice. This week we’re extending the self-care conversation to teachers and practitioners who work with youth …
Parenting Procrastinators
At times, the last thing any of us want to think about are the grades that come at the end of the school year. Maybe last year wasn’t so successful for your teen, and you …
Parenting Futures: Playing the Long-Game in Parenting Your Teen
“The future is a verb that requires us to push into it.” -Ari Wallach …
Bullying – What can parents do?
Bullying behavior has probably existed since the beginning of human interaction and has often been accepted as an unfortunate but normal part of childhood. However, in the early 1970s Swedish psychologist, Dan Olweus worked to …
Breaking the Cycle: 8 Strategies for Dealing with Conflict with Your Young Teen
A certain amount of conflict with parents is, unfortunately, a natural part of growth within the teen years. Conflict serves some very important purposes. It is nature’s way of forcing you to adapt your parenting to your …
The Teen Quest for Identity: Where Every Day is Halloween
Identity formation can often be an exciting, and sometimes stressful, time for both teens and parents alike. This week Parenthetical addresses this unique process in your child’s life just in time for Halloween! Happy Halloween! …
What’s so unique about the teenage brain?
The adolescent brain is often described as “in-progress” or “not fully operational.” In fact, we’ve used the phrase “boom town brain” here on Parenthetical to describe the absent-mindedness natural to teenagers. Although the teenage brain is different …