Supporting Adolescents in a Rapidly Changing World

The world has changed a lot since most of us were teens and even more from the days when our parents were growing up. Not surprisingly, these changes have also transformed the experience of living …

Protecting Your Teen from the National Alcohol Crisis

Alcohol abuse and excessive consumption has been declared a national health problem by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The issue has been identified because excessive alcohol consumption costs 88,000 lives in the U.S each …

Wise Parenting, Part 6: Seeking the Right Balance

Today’s post is the last in our multi-part series on Wise Parenting. Each post focuses on one of six principles for parenting wisely: 1) Staying cool, calm and reflective, 2) Framing the problem appropriately, 3) Aiming for the right purpose, 4) Expanding the perspective, 5) Applying the …

Wise Parenting, Pt. 4: Expanding our perspective

Today’s post is the fourth in a multi-part series on Wise Parenting. Each post focuses on one of six principles for parenting wisely: 1) Stay cool, calm and reflective, 2) Frame the problem appropriately, 3) Aim …

Handing over the Keys: Helping teens become safe drivers

Learning to drive is an important rite of passage for most teens. It offers them greater freedom, reduces their dependence on parents and can provide new opportunities to pursue extracurricular activities, part-time jobs and time …

Supporting Speaking Up: Helping Your Teen Self-Advocate

Previously, we’ve encouraged parents to promote youth self-advocacy when it comes to seeking support for their learning and development. In fact, the idea of self-advocacy, or speaking up for yourself and making decisions about your …

Your Child is Dating. Congratulations?

Teenage dating is a rite of passage for parents and teens. Gone are the days of meeting the date in your living room.  Now, young adults “hangout” or “hook-up” at all of the places you …