Burning Out: Adults Who Work With Youth Feel Stress Too

In the past, Parenthetical has focused on why parental self-care is important and what it can look like in practice. This week we’re extending the self-care conversation to teachers and practitioners who work with youth …

What’s so unique about the teenage brain?

The adolescent brain is often described as “in-progress” or “not fully operational.” In fact, we’ve used the phrase “boom town brain” here on Parenthetical to describe the absent-mindedness natural to teenagers. Although the teenage brain is different …

Supporting Adolescents in a Rapidly Changing World

The world has changed a lot since most of us were teens and even more from the days when our parents were growing up. Not surprisingly, these changes have also transformed the experience of living …

Protecting Your Teen from the National Alcohol Crisis

Alcohol abuse and excessive consumption has been declared a national health problem by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The issue has been identified because excessive alcohol consumption costs 88,000 lives in the U.S each …

Wise Parenting, Part 6: Seeking the Right Balance

Today’s post is the last in our multi-part series on Wise Parenting. Each post focuses on one of six principles for parenting wisely: 1) Staying cool, calm and reflective, 2) Framing the problem appropriately, 3) Aiming for the right purpose, 4) Expanding the perspective, 5) Applying the …