This past week on February 7th, countries around the globe recognized Safer Internet Day. Safer Internet Day occurs annually and seeks to increase awareness around cyber-safety issues, especially those impacting youth. In light of this effort, …
What Teens Need Most From Their Parents
In this week’s Parenthetical post we feature a short video and article by Sue Shellenbarger, the Work and Family columnist at the Wall Street Journal. Drawing on recent research and brain imaging studies of teens, …
After the election: Suggestions for discussing election results and modeling good citizenship
Last week the United States elected a new president. After a long, often times divisive and emotionally charged election season, last week’s decision has continued to fuel important discussions around politics, values, and the future …
Daughter’s relationship with best friend is troubled
My 14 year old daughter’s best friend is mean. This on again/off again relationship is not a healthy. When I talk to my daughter about it, she admits that she is miserable, but she doesn’t …
Daughter’s meager school lunch
My middles school aged daughter just informed me that she has basically been eating nothing but bread and water for school lunch over the past school year. Should I try to encourage her to eat …
Stuck on Replay: The Never Ending Argument
Why is it that so many emerging teens seem to be driven to provoke and sustain conflict with their parents? The good news is that there are some very logical and important reasons for …