Marijuana (and/or other marijuana products (e.g., edibles, hash-oil, “dabs”)) is the most commonly used illegal drug among teens in the U.S., and recent surveys indicate that it is now more popular than cigarettes. However, teenagers …
Values & Culture
What You Need to Know About Parenting with a Serious Illness
For any parent, there are challenges and hurdles along the road to raising a child, and adding a serious illness to the mix can be overwhelming. However, there are many ways to minimize this burden …
Mentors: Who, When, and Where?
Two weeks ago we explored the importance of mentors for developing youth. In fact, mentoring programs are popping up around the country, as people start to recognize the impact these relationships can have. But what are …
Mentors: Why They Matter
In my spare time, I am the proud mentor of a charismatic, funny, kind, and smart 14-year old girl. Whenever we get together, we talk about… nothing, but lots of it! We have seen …
Finding My Religion
Auggie comes home one day from high school, walks through the door and declares to his Jewish mom that he has decided he wants to be Buddhist. A friend that he knows has been exploring …
If I can’t vote, does my voice count? How teens can make a political difference.
American politics remain a hot topic of conversation in many homes across the nation. Although teenagers may not be of voting age just yet, they are showing increased motivation to join the debate. This week’s …
Tackling the Tough Topic of Pornography with Your Teen
When I was growing up it was common for boys like myself to seek out and share sexually-themed pictures. It usually took some effort to find them. The easiest sources were National Geographic and the …
What does parental self-care look like? 50 ideas for caring for yourself as a parent
Have you seen our post about why parental self-care is important? If not, check it out here. This week we highlight practical ways that parents can integrate self-care into their daily routines. Parents have a lot …
Winning the Rat Race: Why is parental self-care important?
Parenthetical recommends you take care of yourself this month! To help with this, we are kicking off a self-care series. This week, we talk about parental self-care and why it matters. The life of a …
Becoming Rich: What Teens Get from Giving
Prof. Michael Collins once wrote a post for Parenthetical on how to promote financial responsibility among teens. As Collins mentioned in the post, one aspect of learning how to manage money actually involves giving it …