As 2014 winds down, we are feeling especially grateful for all the thoughtful dialogue, growth, and dedicated viewership Parenthetical has experienced over the last year. During the last year, Parenthetical has increased site membership significantly …
Values & Culture
What should you do when you find your teen’s music offensive?
Many teens use music as a way to relax, bond with friends, develop their own identities and even indulge in fantasies. While music may not directly influence your teen’s behavior, it may, nonetheless, be hard …
Happy New Year!
January is the month of resolutions and new beginnings. Whether you set goals every year or simply listen to the resolutions of others while you celebrate the turn of the year, setting goals can be …
Whole-hearted Parenting
What can parents do to help their children believe they are worthy of love, empathy and connection? Brené Brown studies human connection – our ability to empathize, belong, and love. In the following TED talk …
Help! Our van has become a dining room!
I recently ran into a friend shepherding her teens into her van with a huge family sized cooler in tow. I asked if they were going camping. No, she responded, this was her new kitchen. …
50 Shades of Grey
Parents of teens often face challenges that don’t have one “right” answer. Even those of us who are immersed in the research on parenting don’t always agree on the best approach. Recently a mother shared …