I caught my middle-school aged son and his friends viewing pornography online. What should I do?
Wise Talk of the Week
How old for make-up?
My 12 year old wants to wear make-up. How old should girls be before they start wearing make-up?
Son won’t clean room.
My son’s room is a mess and quickly becoming a health hazard. I keep telling him to clean it up but he ignores me. Any suggestions?
What is a reasonable curfew for a 15-year-old?
My 15 year old daughter says that her 10 PM weekend curfew is too strict and that all her friends are allowed to stay out later. Are we too strict? What is a reasonable curfew?
Jealous Teen
How do I help my 12 year as she interacts with her highly competitive (jealous?) cousin?
My tween daughter constantly criticizes look.
My tween daughter constantly criticizes how I dress and look. What’s the best response for dealing with this?
14 year old listens to crude music
My 14 year old and his friends listen to music that I consider raunchy and crude. Am I a prude to discourage (or forbidding him) from listening to it?
Son Doesn’t Want to Participate in Activity
My son told me he doesn’t want to go to his summer morning sports activity. I worry that he needs the physical activity and the opportunity to interact socially, but he says it’s boring and …