My 14-year old wants a smart phone. What have you all found to be an appropriate age?
Wise Talk
Son and friends viewing pornography online
I caught my middle-school aged son and his friends viewing pornography online. What should I do?
How old for make-up?
My 12 year old wants to wear make-up. How old should girls be before they start wearing make-up?
Son won’t clean room.
My son’s room is a mess and quickly becoming a health hazard. I keep telling him to clean it up but he ignores me. Any suggestions?
What is a reasonable curfew for a 15-year-old?
My 15 year old daughter says that her 10 PM weekend curfew is too strict and that all her friends are allowed to stay out later. Are we too strict? What is a reasonable curfew?
Jealous Teen
How do I help my 12 year as she interacts with her highly competitive (jealous?) cousin?
My tween daughter constantly criticizes look.
My tween daughter constantly criticizes how I dress and look. What’s the best response for dealing with this?
14 year old listens to crude music
My 14 year old and his friends listen to music that I consider raunchy and crude. Am I a prude to discourage (or forbidding him) from listening to it?
Son struggles with friends’ teasing
Our 18 year old son has just a few close friends. He is a great young man, kind and sensitive. Sometimes he takes casual teasing too much to heart….how can we help him understand that …
Siblings Fight While Mom’s at Work
Summer vacation just started a couple of days ago and already my kids are fighting. My 14 year old is caring for his 10 and 8 year old brothers while I am at work and at …