- What are Emotional Changes in Adolescence?
- Three Surprising Truths About Teens
- 10 Principles for Parenting Your Teen
- Hearing that Things can Change Help Teens Dodge Depression
- The Emotional Whiplash of Parenting a Teenager
- Depressed Teens May Need Extra Support to Stick with Treatment
- How to Tell if Your Teenager is Depressed and Why We Miss the Signs
A Website created by the U.S. Department of Education includes information on the emotional, physical, and cognitive changes that occur in the tween and early teen years and what you can expect to encounter as a parent.
A Critically-Acclaimed television series by PBS called This Emotional Life presents personal stories of people who work towards a stronger mental and emotional happiness with insight from brain and behavioral experts.
An award-winning book written by Michael J. Bradley on raising yourself as a parent while raising your children in the crucial years as your child’s brain develops and morals become hard-wired.
Blog by Frederic Reamer, Ph.D, on dealing with the struggle of raising a teen in crisis.
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