What’s so unique about the teenage brain?

The adolescent brain is often described as “in-progress” or “not fully operational.” In fact, we’ve used the phrase “boom town brain” here on Parenthetical to describe the absent-mindedness natural to teenagers. Although the teenage brain is different …

Judgment Call: Maturity, Emotions and the Teenage Brain

What color is the dress? This question has been asked countless times in the last few weeks. From Internet feeds to office water coolers, people have been buzzing over the color composition of a simple …

Is your teen’s bedroom a disaster area?

We’re still talking about messy rooms! Send us a picture of your teen’s messy room to receive a FREE book about teens! Reference the post below (republished from last week on Parenthetical) to learn more about …

Laura Kastner on Helping Teens Learn from Mistakes

Dr. Laura Kastner is a clinical associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington.  She is the co-author of several books for parents of adolescents including one of our favorite parenting books …