Identity formation can often be an exciting, and sometimes stressful, time for both teens and parents alike. This week Parenthetical addresses this unique process in your child’s life just in time for Halloween! Happy Halloween! …
Preparing for Prom
Spring is in the air. How do I know? The sun is still shining at dinnertime. I am greeted by the bird chatter in the morning. And I recently saw a group of high school …
Parenthetical Interviews Dr. Laura Kastner co-author of Getting to Calm: Cool-headed Strategies for Parenting Tweens and Teens
We are featuring our first author interview!!! Parenthetical team members, Becky and Libby, had the pleasure of interviewing author Dr. Laura Kastner. Dr. Kastner co-wrote one of our favorite parenting books for parents of tweens …
Son struggles with friends’ teasing
Our 18 year old son has just a few close friends. He is a great young man, kind and sensitive. Sometimes he takes casual teasing too much to heart….how can we help him understand that …